Sunday 31 July 2011

My Favourite Online Site!

To start it off , let me tell you what online site I like the most and that would be "FACEBOOK" or me and my friends called it "MukaBuku" in Malay. LEts' cut it short , for me to introduce what is FACEBOOK!! Well, in my opinion it's a site where EVERYONE in the WORLD are able to connect with each other.

The latest competitors for them would be Google+ but yet i doubt about Google+ able to beat FACEBOOK. Let you know what I've done with FACEbook so far.....

-I added my friends and able to chat with them even if they don't have YM, SKype , MSN etc

-Created a group for my classmates , to enhance our understanding about the subject. (especially during Final Exam) where all the chaos happened.

-Oh ya , One more group for the lecturers.... erm.... Bohhhh Ringggggg!!!

My opinion about social websites are they change the whole culture of humanity. First, remember the word "STalker"/ "Stalk" . I think the dictionary have to cancel out these words. With FACEBOOK! , We are now given the power to stalk people and we are allowed to stalk!

Definition of Stalk!
1. To pursue by tracking stealthily.
2. To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.
3. To go through (an area) in pursuit of prey or quarry.

Especially point no.2 :- Saw that? understand? No more... no more that definitions!! that's what happen to the culture and society now.. NO more PRIVACY!!!

haha if u are using facebook i mean...

People now know :-
What car u driving
What colour ur shoe
How is ur mood today
Have u drink coffee?
Bla Bla Bla....

(Sorry for the spelling error)

But this enable me to understand people, because of the interest that I have. I like to make friends and know them more .

So ya, FACEbook is a very important site for me because almost everyday I gained information from it. (Coursework / Activities / Entertainment NEWS / Sports / Friends )

Thank you and have a nice day . !

My facebook url ?
Sure :-

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